While the weather is deciding what it would like to do, now is probably the best time to get to grips with your new and updated Autumn skincare routine. It is important to tweak certain products in your routine to protect your skin from the weather change as best as possible, read more to find out how Phyt’s can help.
During Autumn and Winter, the air has less humidity which can upset the skins balance. The cold, crisp air and wind we face during these seasons can cause our skin to dry. Dry skin becomes very sensitive and prone to irritation. It can result in a red, splotchy complexion. Whether it may not be irritated, it sure can become dehydrated, as central heating is one of the main factors of dehydrated skin in the autumnal season as it strips the skin of moisture. It should be a yearly change of skincare products to meet the needs of your skin. Autumn skincare is a must of the cold days ahead of us.
Trans-seasonal skin can often become dry, flaky and generally bad tempered, you can use a gentle exfoliator once or twice a week to help remove and dead skin cells from the surface of the skin, and also in doing this, all other skin products can penetrate deeper meaning you will see the best results from your products. We would recommend Phyt’s Gentle Exfoliating Scrub (Gommage Contact +). The exfoliator in this product itself is plant cells, meaning there will be no harsh damage caused to the upper layer of the skin.

Moisturiser is one of, if not the most important step in your skin care routine during seasonal change. You may have found that during summer a light moisturiser was your best friend, however as the temperature drops a thin and light moisturiser probably isn’t going to do anything for your skin. A thicker, richer moisturiser will always be the winner on the colder days to prevent loss of moisture from the skin. We would recommend Phyt’s Nutrition Extreme Cream (Soin Visage), the main ingredients in this product are Argan oil and Shea butter which are both very nourishing for the skin, which is perfect for dry skin.

Your skin may be on somewhat of a ‘summer hangover’ as we leave the sunny season, causing it to be extremely tired and dull. You may find your skin not looking as bright and radiant as it was in the summer months, so let’s get that glow back! This is where Phyt’s Radiance Mask from their White Bio Active Range comes in handy. A 10-minute face mask to be used once or twice a week, containing nourishing, brightening and softening ingredients, I can assure you your complexion with have that youthful glow back!

Lastly, the crucial product that most people forget to apply, SPF. No matter the weather, an SPF should be used daily, make it the last step in your skin care routine. Phyt’s offer mineral sunscreens (also known as physical sunscreens) in factors 30 and 50. These products speak for themselves in terms of sun protection.

If you would like more information, please contact natalia@frenchbeautyexpert.co.uk